14 Jul 2009

Fashion Felon, or, Mildly Ironic Cinematic Crisis?

So, feeling rather smug with myself after raiding the ASOS online sale and coming away with an overt amount of nicely reduced booty, I thought it would be nice to take one of the new additions out for a spin.

The piece is question follows thus: Black, leather, uuuuuuber-high collared, asymetric gilet/waistcoat. It is beautiful, and I'm a little (unashamedly) in love with it. It feels even better to wear by dint of the fact that it cost me only £10, instead of £54. And whats not to like about that, to be honest.

So yes, safe to say I felt like someone who was rocking a look, to say the least...(gilet, plus purple harems, plus Stella McCartney tee, plus kicky white brogues=my new favourite outfit.) And off I trotted to meet the boy, and two of our other friends, for a trip to the cinema. Laaaaverley.

Only the thing was, we ended up watching 'Bruno'. And when I say watched, I actually mean, hid behind my hands for most of the movie and cringed. And oh, how I cringed when the lights went up at the end of the film, and woe betide, the rather svelte leather jerkin I had so coveted bore more than a passing resemblance to Bruno's staple outfit-topper du jour. I mean, the man wore his version constantly, ergo, scuppering my chances of now wearing said item without immediately conjouring up thought of a six foot, style deluded, bum-bleaching (ew!) baby-swinging celeb-wannabe. Bad times for recession-driven fashion mavens everywhere. Bad times indeeeeeeed.
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