And I'm back! It's been a busy week or so, what with one best girl friend possibly suffering from piglet flu and another one giving birth....(to a child, not a piglet)...couple this with working incomprehensible amounts, plus helping the boy move to larger and nicer accomodation...(by 'helping' I actually mean talking at him whilst he packed things into boxes, stealing him away from said packing and taking him to the beach, and advising him on the correct way to clean a toilet) and you'll understand why blogeration has kinda skewed off the agenda ever so slightly.
And how I've missed it! But no frettin', cause i'm back now, and kicking off my return is a dedication to harem trousers....not really, but as you'll see, 3 of the 4 outfits i've posted so far (1 still to come) counts them as the staple style-builder, which may lead you, dear reader, to believe that 80% of my wardrobe is in fact derived entirely from stretchy fabric...I hasten to inform you, that actually I do wear other things, but that harems are not only totally topical, but also totally tropical, in manner of Lilt and all things summery, in that they keep you very, very cool and refreshed. Which, concurrent to climates of late, may seem totally inaccurate but when I dolled myself up in these outfits, it was warmer, and less rainy. I have to make the admission that the skinny jeans have been called out of the 'winter' section of my wardrobe of late and yes, the gladiators have been tossed firmly aside in favour of a more water repellant style of footwear. Just when I was beginning to think I couldn't cope without them, the weather throws down the style gauntlet in the most obtuse way.
Precipitation-related ramblings aside, here's what I wore last week (for one day only, you understand...maybe Monday I think?)
Grey jersey harems (i'm wearing them even as I type...truely obsessed, I know..) which I practically stole from Primark (well, I didn't, blates, but they were like £4.95 so, you know, would have been rude not to.) I funked these up a little bit with a floral blouse which is a) totally trendy right now and b) still of the moment even though you may hear otherwise, I think florals can be taken right through to AW09 and beyond, though if you're buying them now, get them in darker, more goth-glam shades....plums, navy or ink blue, bottle green etc. Punchy colours look so cute right now but do lift a look in to spring/summer territory. I digress....yes, blouse is Kate Moss Topshop, this was from the first drop she did so you'll not find it now but search eBay if you're desperate. I think it cost about £45 so it nicely lifts the cost of my outfit out of Primarni-esqueness, price range wise at least!
I'm also wearing a leather funnel neck waistcoat which I think nicely avoids the florals becoming too sweet, this is by ASOS and cost me a tenner in the sale. I'm loving the high collar, I have a thing for those turned up collars, and I think they look really fierce and a little androgynous. Nice. I'm carrying an oversized woven straw shopper with chain handles, and have styled my feet out in studded glads which I got from Primark (I promise, its not the only place I shop...it is useful for the credit crunched among us, though, undeniably.) My belt is vintage Versace and a kicky stretchy headband finishes the look off nicely.
So that was my Monday look....I'm calling it "Luxe Urban Sports Chic" just because I can.
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