So, I went off out on the town a week or so ago, and (this being before I made my pledge to spend no more money on shoes) obviously had to treat myself to some kind of new outfit addition (no-one likes going out without something new to take for a spin, surely). So I did, and what I found was a rather fierce pair of black suede, peep toe, tie front tassle overlasted platform shoes with a kicking cone heel that makes me at least 5' 7" tall and, ergo, feel great. So having bought those, which, btw, cost me a paltry £5 (pro's of being small....my shoe size is always left in the sales....) I needed to construct a suitably ironic outfit around them which would showcase their fabulosity without rendering me resembling an extra from the Dukes Of Hazzard set...tassling can be troublesome, and you can read my fully-fledged blog about that particular topic on ASOSlife.
So I decided to dig out my urban junkie and reach for the insouciance that is, slouchy tailoring. I love a good bit of tailoring, and I love neutral colours, so this should, by rights, have been a breeze...nope. It took me a blimmin age to construct a suitable 'look' which veered on the right side of 'night out' and didn't stray too far into 'admin assistant' territory. But the finished look, I hope, achieved my aims:
So, from the floor up....we have my New Favourite Shoes, these bitchin little numbers from...wait for it...New Look, of all places. I went in there to buy some hair grips or somesuch non-essential fashion item, and got a rather pleasant surprise in the shape of these shoes, and all for a measly fiver. Truly, don't reside this high street stalwart to the tween store pile, there is more than meets the eye here...get past the garish neon logo and the swarms of squabbling high-schoolers and you can really find some half decent kit. I'm wearing them with my ever so handy black harems, which I think were from Primark, or possibly ASOS, but either way, are amazing for this look and are instantly updated with some hot footwear.
For the top half...I'm rocking a seamed bodycon tee in a rather of the moment flesh colour...looks expensive and really something, but was only £2 on ASOS. Dressing it up still more is a Topshop grey sleeveless blazer which I picked up last year, discarded to and then fished out of the charity shop pile, turned up the collar and, hey presto, it is suddenly relevant again.
Accessory wise, I didn't really feel that too much bling would do this look any favours....sometimes simple and streamlined is the way to go. So thats the way I went, just garnishing the outfit with an armful of stacked bangles, huge-ish gold hoops and an oversized flower ring. Finally, the piéce de resistancé....my very favourite Dior saddle, loved for 2 reasons, a) hello, it's a Dior saddle, whats not to like, and b) it was carried by my very favourite Carrie in an episode of Sex and the City (well, not this actual one, but one the exact same)....I know this because when I watched the episode my jaw hit the floor when I saw it, so I rewound the dvd and paused it, just to compare. And if it's good enough for Ms Bradshaw....hot damn, sling that high fashion fabness my way!
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