So, here I am again, wearing my latest genie-pant bashing ensemble. I know, I know, stretchy pants should, by rights, be the devils work. But what can I do!? I love these trousers, they are so comfy and versatile and just everything I ever wanted in a trouser, but could never quite find before. So now that I have, I'm wearing them permanently. Well, not quite permanently, but I have to say, trading them in the other day for my previously-trusty skinny jeans felt just plain weird, to say the least.
But back to the outfit. This is a look I'm fondly beginning to call 'The French Pirate.' I'm not sure why, I just like how it sounds, and I really think there is a touch of the 'francais piratical' about it. My trousers are classic twist-front genie pants and I nabbed them very smugly in the ASOS sale (before I Stopped Spending...I've just paid the credit card bill that featured these little lovelies, and it was certainly not as pleasurable as the actual purchasing, thats for sure.) Anyhow, they were about £7 I think, and fit like a dream. Top Tip: The ASOS sale is a hotbed of cheap, relevant fashion picks, and if you haven't visited it before, I suggest you do so, pronto. They always have a little selection of 'clearance' on the site as well as ASOSRed which features designer discounts and an Outlet department with more lovely bargains to be found within.
I have offset these trousers with a frilled cotton shirt from Topshop. It features a ruffle on the front with faux-buttons and the fabric is printed with tiny stars, and so this is my nod towards the 'goth' trend of AW09/10, which sees all things Halloweeny as key features. The front is also made to look like a big bow, topically these also seem to be on the rise once again so thats another trend box ticked, two in one garment=it works hard for it's money. As well it might.
For more Pirate steez, I think the rope and coin print silk scarf adds more than a dash of yo-ho-ho to this combo. This one, in fetching red and navy, lifts the look with a splash of colour and makes it all a little bit eclectic. I'm not sure if it works with the ruffled top, but, ahoy to that, I like to mix it up a little. This one was pillaged in a charity shop spree, but Accessorize have flipping loads almost the same on the high street, so you're bound to find some decent booty in there.
I'm wearing a vintage Dior belt with the trousers, and my superhoops as well...I considered wearing one only, in manner of Bluebeard or some other such rampant swashbuckler, but for fear of looking as if I had simply lost one, I plumped for both. I think they look suitably edgy and also good for bartering with, should I actually meet any gold-plundering pirates in my day to day life. See, all bases covered.
Finally, the top and bottom of the ensemble...top, meaning a rather ratty knitted black beret which was heaved from the depths of my wardrobe, as I hunted (in vain) for a more topical (and much nicer) taupe woollen one. It proved very handy the next day, as the boy and I attended a car boot sale (fret not, I didn't wear heels this time) and it happily kept the wind and rain from my little ears, and my hair from blowing all over my face, the occurrence of which would surely render me the taller and grumpier relative of Cousin It.
To the ends of the outfit: Feast your eyes, if you will, with wonder, on the glory of my shoe boots, very, very kicky little tan brogues which I have sadly only just figured out how to wear, and, sadder only still, have deduced they look simply smashing with, oh, my staple trouser-garments, those accursed harems. I don't really care though because I really like the look and I'm damn well going to wear it until I can wear it no longer, or, until I reach the lowest piece of fodder on the fashion food chain and become referred to only as 'the girl who can only ever wear Harem trousers.' It is a risk I'm willing to take for the time being, and I can only hope against hope that I shan't be made to walk the fashion plank.
So! until tomorrow, or my harem collection is made to become acquainted with a certain Mr Jones, in his particularly watery locker: Avast!
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