And what better way to showcase my newest purchase (well, it was until Saturday afternoon...!) than by taking it for a spin to a fashion-filled Bloc Party gig?!
Since I knew that the day would involve a) at least 2 hours driving, b) many, many hours walking, and c) culminating in at least 3 hours standing/bopping along, I thought it would be sensible to at least look to comfort...never substituted for style though.
I'm wearing: A Topshop leather jacket, which was bought in the sale a couple of seasons ago and just gets better with age. I love it a bit too much and so as soon as it starts to get cold, out it comes.
Underneath this we have my New Favourite Item: a supercute denim shirtdress from Next. This only cost £18 and I've worn it loads since I got it, the shape is totally now and it actually looks like an oversized denim shirt (hello 80's) as opposed to a dress masquerading as a shirt. Its totally bogus, as the 80's would say...(you'll have to bear with me on the resurgence of the 80's lingo...a Sunday morning spent in bed with the Boy watching the 80's classic 'Monster Squad' has brought on a wave of 80's-esque nostalgia...It'll be the bleachwash denim jumpsuit next, honestly, 80's teen high school fashion is so on my radar right now. God bless Daylight Savings, what better way could there be to spend an extra hour of the day, I ask you.)
I wore the shirt dress with my leggings and trusty Toppers brogues, cos it was a little cold and I don't really like my legs. Also to fend off the chill, I wore a thin grey knit under the dress, but rolled the sleeves up to the same length as the dresses (about elbow) so I got the look without the breeze. Cunning or what!
For a bit of interest I added a Primark purple suedette waist belt, which is a nice nod to this seasons jewel tones...purple is always in Vogue for pre-Christmas style hits. Also, eagle eyes will see my fave bit of jewellery, my anchor locket. Which is stylish whatever the season.
So there we have it. Don't really like my face in this picture, but I suppose it's all about the outfit, not the mug. I was going to make a 'knock my Bloc off' pun but, notwithstanding the hilarity, feel it may paint me as a bit of a narcissistic Party pooper. Oh No She DIDN'T!
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