What has happened to our summer, that is what I'd like to know. Since when should I be wearing
opaques in August, huh? Ideally I would have gone bare legged with this look and spun the boots and socks combo but if there is one thing I hate almost as much as my hair frizzing, it's soggy legs. You know, when your moisturiser goes all slippery. Yuk. So after a peek out of the bedroom curtains this morning, it was a case of digging out the old tights...I usually chuck all my tights at the end of the winter season and buy fresh at the beginning of the following Autumn, as I never think tights wear that well, but I lucked out and found a pair I hadn't worn. So on they went!

My Asos Ava's took their first outing today (coated liberally with suede guard) and they got soooo many comments, I was loving it! I also managed the whole day in them, they are actually the most comfortable boots ever! In comparison my Sweeney shoe boots arrived today and I tried them out for a quick practice of a Waltz (I've got dance exams coming up!) around the kitchen-two words: OW CH. I think they'll be a case of 'breaking in gently' so I can't see them pounding the shop floor just yet!

Thankyou for all your positive remarks about my photo editing, I can't believe the difference it makes. I am going to try and keep putting outfit posts up as often as usual but obviously the editing does take a bit of time so there may be more posts about other things cropping up here as well. Hope thats ok!
Seriously the pictures are so good the colours and lighting are fab. Love your boots great colour xoxo
thankyou hun I'm glad you like them! thankyou for the lovely comments xxxx
This is a cute outfit! I feel you about the summer thing i have started wearing my coat already! Slightly crazy!
hi! Love those shoes! How tall r they?
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