4 Sept 2010


Hello all! Sorry for my disappearance over the last two days...yesterday was my birthday so I spent it with the boy (pics to come!) and previous to that I left my netbook at home and couldn't blog from my phone due to some error or other. Excuses excuses! Well I'm back now, a year older (sigh!) but with lots of goodies to show for it!! Which will come in a post to follow, promise. For now I am posting my Wednesday Charity Shop haul, plus having a little rant...I ordered two unnecessary amazing pairs of shoes from the Kurt Geiger website on Wednesday, they arrived yesterday and I oponed them up to find that BOTH pairs were faulty-how annoying!! One pair were two different sizes (doh) and one pair looked very shop soiled-one shoe was pristine, one looked like someone had run a marathon in it!! Don't you hate that!! I phoned the customer service hotline and spoke to a very nice lady who assured me that it would be sorted, so hopefully I'll be able to show them to you shortly, but I've got a horrible feeling they're out of stock in my size now, but I'll keep my fingers crossed. So now I have to totally re-plan tonight's outfit, as I had built it around either pair of shoes-and now I have none!

Anyway, on a better shoe-note, the tan ones above I found in the charity shop for the grand price of £2. They look brand new! I did 8 hours in them on Thursday and can confirm, they are very comfy!! And a great shade that I think will work with a lot of things I already have. I also picked up the little vintage pleat crop top which I inted to wear with high waisted trousers a la Carrie Bradshaw, and the silky t-shirt style top below which is oversized and will look lovely with all my trousers-very Chloe, I thought! Both pieces cost me about £3 each. I also picked up the little Owl Wade Whimsie for the Boy since he likes all things birdish, and is my own little owl so it was a perfect gift and when I saw it I knew he would like it, which he did! 'scuse my manky nails in the picutre, I have since had a manicure!!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend, what ever you get up to!
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