Ahh, I love Sundays. (When I don't have to work, haha!) Me and the boy had a lovely lie in (after a lovely evening of X-Factor and Cheryl Cole on Piers Morgan) and then we just slouched about in town, the Boy had some vouchers to spend that he won as part of his Outstanding Achievement Award from his Illustration Degree (he's a clever chap) so we just had a little mooch. I dragged him through Primark to get some tights (he's long suffering, bless him) andf then we went to River Island but he couldn't find anything he liked. (Always the way when you have money to spend, don't you find?!) When we got by the river I made him take some snaps for my blog, and he duly obliged. I took some of him too but he won't let me post them, which is a shame as he's a trendy little scamp and I'd like to show him off.

I am wearing Gap skinny black pants, Staccato shoes, Vintage Cardi and Shearling Jacket.

I bought this fox tail keyring in H&M when I went on my Blogger's shopping day with Law, but forgot to mention it. I love it-it's made my Chanel bag immediately AW2010/11. I have wanted one of these for ages, but could only find real fur ones-which I just could'nt bare to buy. So this one, although a little raggedy, makes me feel a little less brutal!
Have you had a relaxing day today?
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Sounds like you have had the perfect Sunday. You must be so pleased with that jacket so worth the investment. Love your outfit and that tail looks awesome on you Chanel bag xoxo
your title header made me giggle. it's a good title for a blog like this.
anyway, im following you!
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