Yesterday, myself and the lovely Law from Little-Love-Letters hit the town for a spot of blogger-fuelled winter wardrobe shopping. I have to pre-warn you that we spent so much time shopping, snapping was rather put on the backburner despite Law bringing her superfancy camera-I'll just have to do a haul post for you later :)
Of course, the only way to properly set up for a hard days shopping, begins with a muffin and a hot choc at Starbucks. Yum.

:) It was so good, and very warming as we had sat on the train for an hour and it was flipping freezing. Law was very good and had an earl grey and a bowl of fruit porridge, I blew out on a hot choc and (skinny) blueberry muffin. It was soooo good!
After this we hit the shops. We went to Topshop (in the throes of an end of season sale): I had a gift card to spend and bought 2 pairs of (surprise surprise) trousers, and a gorgeous fitted party dress which had a broken zip and as such was reduced from £50 to £5. It looked super cute on, in an Alexa Chung/Luella sort of way, and Law agreed that it would be criminal not to snap it up. Luckily I have a friend who is a seamstress who I am hoping will be able to perform the repair! Laura bought a luxe tan leather mini skirt which complemented her tiny frame perfectly and was a spot-on length for her. It wasn't in the sale but she bought it anyway, it would have been rude not to! I also bought a little something for the boy (can't say what as it is going in his Christmas stocking, and he is a little scamp and will read this post to find out what it is!) and I also bought a felt pen eyeliner from the Topshop makeup range (review to follow!) We also then hit up H&M and Gap, followed by a quick trudge round the Chazzer's and a trip to vintage heaven, The Real McCoy (where I found-and fell in love with-a Burberry cape....but couldn't afford. Sob.)

We went to the Giraffe Cafe for lunch. It was so yum. I had a caesar salad with grilled haloumi and it was scrummy. I have never had haloumi before but it is kind of like mozarella cheese, less rubbery though, with a sort of smoky/salty taste. It was lovely. The salad came in a big bowl and there was lettuce, avocado, tomatoes, cheese and all sorts of yummy things in it. I washed it down with a pomegranete juice, and we shared some naan bread with it all. mmmm! Law had a sunshine salad which had lots of different beans and peas and carrots and orange in it, and she ordered a smoothie which came with a little blue giraffe sitting in it. Cute!

These pictures aren't from yesterday but I thought I'd share them with you today as it is essentially the same place! I took these pics when I was coming home from Birmingham the other week. Stations are funny places aren't they? So much through traffic, then all of a sudden, they're empty. They remind me of a river in many ways-constant flows of people coming and going.

And below-shoe of the year award for the comfiest flatties...my pointy nude Calvin Kleins which have taken many a beating and have pounded many a street, finally meeting their maker (almost) by way of my car-driving in them has completely scraped off the brand logo on the heel. Great! One thing I should definitely invest in is driving shoes, grannyish I know but completely practical in that it means my actual nice shoes don't get trashed!

Haul post to follow! I may even attempt a video haul post, (a haul vlog?!) if I can get to grips with the technology of it all!
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