She Wore WHAT?!: The First Ever Giveaway!

Hello lovelies! I thought I would do a quick post with my first ever She Wore What?! Giveaway! I love blog giveaways, and was lucky enough yesterday to be declared the winner of a Reiss dress from the lovely Leon at *IUNDEREYE blog so I thought it was even more prudent that I sort out a little competition for all my fab follwers as a way of saying THANKYOU! 
Here is what is up for grabs! It was so hard finding something that everyone would want to win, but I decided on these unisex slinky black glasses from MAXMARA!
They are soooo Lady Gaga right? They are brand new but they don't have a case...don't worry I will send them well packed to the winner!

I will draw the winner on the 1st of December...this could be a lovely early Christmas present for someone!
I will also send them abroad if the winner is based outside of the UK!

To enter: All you need to do is follow my blog and follow me on Twitter, which you can do here. Then just post a tweet with a link to my blog and competiton in it. Finally, pop a comment on this entry to let me know you've done it!
If you can't think what to write on your tweet, here is something to copy and paste:
@amieisdancingI have entered the competition to win a pair of MAXMARA shades on
Good Luck everyone! I shall contact the winner after the draw on December 1st!
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Unknown said...

tweeted ;) (meesow00)


Nikki S said...

I posted on your twitter re: your giveaway.. I hope it works, I've never tweeted before!

Love your blog, follow it religiously..

Nikki Sharpe (

eelectroCutee said...

as you know I'm a follower through GFC and I also follow you on twitter... my twitter username is @tika_margareth

tweeted your giveaway.. here's the link

Tim said...

I follow with google friends.
I tweeted

tahearn at roadrunner dot com

Alexandra said...

I have followed you for a while.
I tweeted it but have no idea how to send the link : (
Whats should i do?

Barbara said...

Hey thanks for your comment on my blog ;)
umm.. can I enter this giveaway even though I don't have twitter? :/

feel free to follow me if you like ;)
cute blog you got here!

Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

i wanna join!
i put the info about this giveaway on my right sidebar:
and im a follower!

Hailie said...

I've followed you for a while but forgot all about the giveaway-thanks for the reminder :)
Now following on Twitter too and I've posted my tweet! xx

Rosie Savage said...

Have tweeted! :)
Those glasses are gooorgeous!

Rosie x

Anonymous said...

AK thanks for the reminder and your blog that inspired me to try my darnedest to look okay when leaving the house. Big Love CC.

p.s Please may I enter above comp!

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