4 Mar 2011

Smarty pants....

Wow, what a beautiful day it is today! I have to begin with an apology re: these pictures, they're really bad because Adrian is at school today so I had to use the tripod outside, which I hate doing because I don't want the neighbours to think I'm a wally! Because of this they never come out as good as when he takes them because I always rush them, but the weather was so glorious I thought I'd have a go anyway.

By the time Age gets back from school, I'll be at work, hence there would have been no opportunity to catch the sun at it's best! It isn't quite sunbathing weather but it's soooo lovely to feel the sun on my skin. I have put my daffs from yesterdays post on the living room window sill and as they warm up they are opening and filling the room with a gorgeous scent.

I forgot I had this Hermes pouch bag and now I've found it, I can't stop using it! It's so handy although it is like a tardis, everything sinks to the bottom! I got it in Oxfam a couple of years ago for about £2!

Jacket: Topshop Blouse: Vintage Chino's: Gap Shoes: Staccato Bag: Hermes (vintage)

I am hoping I will be able to get some better pictures tomorrow because I can force Adrian to take them for me! At least you get the idea...I hope...!

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Finn said...

Really love your blouse!

Baby Budget Blog said...

Great polka dot top!


Alexandra said...

This outfit is SOOOO amazing!!!
Love your blazer and blouse!!

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