Can't stand the Weight.....

Habitat Alexis clothing rail, buy here

So I woke up yesterday morning to discover my cheap 'n' cheerful clothing rail had collapsed in the night, one can only assume, under the weight of all the tat I've accumulated over the years. Being as this is the second clothing rail of mine that this has happened to, I thought I'd scout about for something a little more sturdy and also a little more chic. I found it, after a time, in the form of this beautiful Alexis rail from Habitat.
I wouldn't normally spend this much on a furnishing-heck, all Adrian and my pieces are either vintage, salvaged or re-worked Ikea. But, you know, it's for my clothes, they deserve the best and I know this one will last for years to come (I'm pretty sure it comes with a guarentee.)  So, being as I have just been paid, I bought it-it's my purchase for the month.
I'll pop up some more images when it comes, I am too excited to recieve it. I am also going to have a good sort out of all my gubbins, what better excuse now that their own blimming housing has collapsed around them to weed out the dead wood, as it were! I am thinking of holding a blog sale-reckon there would be any interest?
Will be back with an outfit post later/tomorrow....Age and I are off to Dot to Dot festival this afternoon, yippee!
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