Little Knitted Sweater....

After saying I never do face pictures on my blog, I seem to be drowning under a plethora of just those. Oh well-the aim of this one is more about seeing my shirt collar, and less about my mug!

This is such a basic outfit but one I absolutely love. Whilst collared shirts always remind me slightly of school uniform, as I get older I am embracing shirts and blouses over tee shirts as my top of choice. I love these black skinnies-they are ancient but fit so much better than any others I've tried to replace them with!

Blouse, Skinnies: Gap Booties: River Island Sweater: Topman

Although I am loving these River Island wedgy boots, I'm actually selling them over on ASOS Markeplace, along with a pair of Clog boots from Jones and a Stella McCartney jacket. I am trying to edit my wardrobe and sort out what I need from what I don't, clear a bit of wardrobe space AND pay my credit card off at the same time, so if you fancy a bargain, check out my Marketplace here.

The weather has gone typically 'English' again; no more hot sun but grey skies and overcast temperatures. Great! Though I suppose when you have to work it isn't so bad. Unfortch we only had a couple of days in Devon that were really hot, but it was ok as on the greyer days we hit up the charity shops.

Have a lovely day!
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M said...

I love your pics. How do you get the curved effect and sort of grainy effect to them.? It this your camera or do you use an image manipulation program?
Em x

Vix said...

I can never get over how pretty you are, you look like a film star from another era.
That's a great look, very beatnik with the rolled up skinnies and sweater. Good luck with your sales. xxx

Anni said...


original seed said...

love that jumper

Unknown said...

This sweater is perfect: simple, comfy and cute! It's so awesome how you look perfectly chic in simple outfits like this one!

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit, your face and especially our sweater.


vivalablonda said...

Really cute outfit indeed!


Lyndsey said...

gorrrrrrrgeous outfit! i love the simplicity and the style. it's very you and you look amazing!

lyndsey of hellolyndseyyy<3

Tanyabell said...

cute collar look darling!

Anonymous said...

I've only just found your blog by following a link from Vintage Vixon, but I love it! Your style is right up my street and I love that you get stuff from charity shops like me! More people need to know you don't need to spend a fortune to look stylish. Cheers, Emma

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