3 Aug 2012


Wearing: Gap jeans and Gap men's shirt, Topshop heels via eBay, Cos vest, Cos and Luxla bracelets

So, my question of the day: Can you wear a light trouser with a dark shoe? I remember this trend popping up around the Sex and the City movie (vol.1) time, when Carrie wore a white trouser suit with a black shoe. I don't know what it is about dark shoes but somehow I've never thought to wear them with a lighter bottom half-too jarring, perhaps, not really in keeping with the overall look. Nevertheless I'm always up for giving my own spin on things and I didn't think that these dark heels looked too bad with the pale skinnies-maybe it's because the black vest ties the look together. I threw a man's shirt over the top, I'm not sure about this outfit really but it's good to wear different things from time to time-and that's what I'm doing. I'm sure normal service will resume tomorrow!
XO Amie
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