28 Mar 2014

March DIY: Simple Collar Top

march DIY Topshop Collar thrifted t shirt
DIY topshop collar thrifted t shirt
sewing topshop collar to t shirt
topshop collar
topshop collar thrifted t shirt
topshop collar thifted t shirt

This month's DIY attempt is a really easy one. I have plans for a box jumper but I couldn't find a suitable fabric so I thought I'd upload a really simple way to update a top or blouse with a collar. This is so easy, it feels a bit of a cop out to put it on my blog but I thought it might help inspire someone who isn't used to sewing or hasn't done much DIY before.

I had bought this top last summer from a charity shop but only worn it once, so I thought it would be nice to update it with a cute collar I had lying around. I actually bought the collar from Topshop, it's one that you can just put around your neck but unfortunately the fastener had broken off, I didn't want to throw it out so I decided to attach it to this t shirt to update it a little!

Because the collar is designed to fit flush around the neck, it wasn't long enough to sew directly around the circumference of the neckline of the t shirt-had I done that, the tee would have been a) puckered and b) impossible to get on! So, I pinned it in place along the front edge of the tee, pinning the fold of the collar against the hemline of the neck, and then I had to cut the collar in half along the back edge. To ensure that it was symmetrical I pinned it in place first and made sure that each of the collar lapels was sitting in the right place.

After cutting, I pinned the remainder of the collar in place-both ends reached to where the neckline of the tee shirt reached the front shoulder seam. Then I sewed it in place along the existing hemline of the neck as the tee is made of quite thin material and if I'd sewn directly to it, I think it would have pulled the top out of shape. I need to give it an iron to help flatten it really, and then it's done! 

I love how easy this DIY was, you could also create your own collar really easily if you don't have a spare one like I did. I would cut the two 'collar' shapes out of brown paper, leave a half inch or so allowance to attach the fabric inside the neckline so you have a crisp fold, pin into position and stitch.

I was really pleased with the way such a simple DIY really transformed the look of the basic tee. It's also made the collar more versatile too as I can wear the tee under jumpers and have the collar sticking out underneath, as opposed to just having to attatch it over the top, which sometimes looks a little bit odd if the jumper neckline is slightly too low.

What do you think?

XO Amie
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