Instagram Week #24

ciate caviar manicure eyeko eyeliner

H a z y  s u m m e r   s k y // M a g a z i n e  F r e e b i e s

Well, this isn't much of an Instagram round up at all, but that's because mid way through the week I broke my phone! These were the only snaps I managed to take before it became unusable, but luckily I have now got a new one with an even better camera than the last one so hopefully the Instagram hiatus is just temporary!

I managed to get a picture of this cool cloud formation and I took this shot at about 10:15pm. The weather has been so good, hot sunny days have led to hazy sunsets which always make for great pictures! It's so nice that it's so light later on in the evening too.

I've also bought two magazines this week which I have to admit, I bought solely for the free gifts. I snapped up this Eyeko felt tip eyeliner (my fave kind) free with a £2 copy of Glamour and the Ciate caviar manicure was free with Marie Claire (£2.50) I am tempted to get another copy of Glamour as the eyeliner comes in both navy and black, and they are so good for the price! I got the black one but I would also like to try out navy so I might pick that up too!

XO Amie

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