4 Aug 2014

Instagram Week #31

instagram, zoe karssen, pull & bear, tk maxx, benefit, zara, perfume,

Bargain Zoe Karssen // Outfit // New Perfume // Benefit Skincare // Saturday // Messy Gallery // Cleaning the Gallery // Glasses // Simple Sandals

This last week has been about the busiest week ever. I worked and went out every evening pretty much, and then had a weekend off to recover which was needed! Adrian runs a record label (alongside the million other things he does) and last week saw the label achieve a milestone of its third birthday. So gigs were put on in a gallery space and it was amazing (and also melting) every night. I helped out on the bar one night and also helped with the epic cleanup at the end of their lease of the gallery space. Which I undertook in Chanel pumps and a silk shirt, naturally. I don't mind hoovering but mopping the floor was worse! It was so dirty!

I got the 'September' issues of Elle and Vogue over the weekend so it was great to spend Saturday chilling and reading. The September issues are like phonebooks; packed full of all the new seasons trends and take ages to read, which I love; comparatively the October issues are about as thick as a greetings card and mainly made up of adverts so these will have to last out my fashion fix!

Again I've been trying to stop sale shopping but of course right now at the dreg end of the sales is where the best bargains are found. I've found a few things this week which I had to get such as a Zoe Karssen tee for £8 and these simple leather sandals which were £7.99 from Pull&Bear. I also picked some glasses up in TK Maxx which I thought were really cool and were only £2.49 each! Finally the Zara perfumes at £2.99 each have made my perfume collection a bit more varied too!

XO Amie
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