8 Jun 2015

Barcelona vintage finds

Silk blouse €10 Leather bag €13

During my holiday in Barcelona, I spent a lovely morning with my friend Carla looking around some of the shops that the city has to offer. We stumbled down a side street and found Flamingo's Vintage Kilo Sale store, which works on a similar premise to a vintage kilo sale here in the UK, but without the need to sharpen your elbows prior to entry!

The shop itself was quite small with loads of stock crammed onto every possible surface, and even outfits hanging from the ceiling! Carla and I got stuck straight in and had a good root through the rails. The first thing I spotted was this lovely silk shirt which was priced at €10 and then I clocked the rather Gucci-esque leather bag which had no price on it; speaking to one of the sales assistants we ascertained that if the item had no price it was sold by weight, and that translated to €13 for the bag.

Carla tried on loads of items and eventually decided on an amazing printed bomber jacket, a beige and black shirt and a very cute yellow floral shirt which she took off one of the mannequins! I ended up just taking the shirt and bag but I wish I had gone back for more! I did hope that I would be able to visit the shop again before the end of the holiday but unfortunately (or fortunately for my bank account/suitcase!) I didn't have time.

The store itself is a chain which has several sites, as well as a club and gallery, all across Spain. They have a website too here so if you are over that way on your summer hols definitely check them out!

XO Amie
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