2016: A Year in Outfits

2016: A year in outfits

Differing slightly to previous years, I've not pulled aside a look for every month of the year, but in keeping with the premise, here's 12 of my favourite looks shot from January to December. I made an effort this year to stop being lazy when it comes to backgrounds, but the very effort of having to find new places to shoot has been detrimental to the frequency of the posts. I have tried my best and there have been several looks that remain unpublished, simply because I was unhappy with the end photographs and didn't want to post them.

I have successfully managed to get my legs out a lot more this year and I think that says a lot about the weather as my looks have reflected that. I rarely dress for an outfit post particularly, I normally wear just what I'm wearing that day and then drag Adrian out of the house to snap away at me until I tell him to stop. So perhaps I should begin with a thank you - my biggest supporter, a real champion of my blog and the person who inspired me to start this blog in the first place, who stands in the pouring rain taking pictures of me without an umbrella, who stops his own work in order to help me complete mine, who doesn't bother to take his shoes off until I've checked the images and dragged him out for a reshoot, who trotted back home with me after we'd found the ideal location to shoot at because I'd forgotten to put the SD card back in the camera. Thank you Adrian.

I also worked with a capsule wardrobe up until October, and I am still enjoying the premise, if not the confines of this process. As such, there are some real winners - those Kurt Geiger chain sandals, bought in September 2015 and not even taken out of the box until the summer of 2016 were then worn continually for about 6 months. The black Topshop Boutique jumpsuit is worn at least once weekly during winter, and my favourite Finery ankle boots are still looking as wonderful as ever a year on. Vintage things, chazza finds and new buys - I've had a good year in fashion, I think, feeling happy with my personal style and honestly buying less, but buying better. I've been lazy with my hair, though - apart from an ill fated Vanilla Ice blonde streak in my fringe (error!) I re-embraced the ombre and actually quite love the colour I achieved. I also got a new pair of straighteners for Christmas after spending 2016 pretty much without a pair (apart from a tiny travel set I used to do my fringe) and so hopefully 2017 hairstyles will be better!

XO Amie
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