It's tempting when you move into a new place to just do everything. Make all the changes, buy all new furniture, completely redesign the space to suit your needs. And that can be expensive, and also impractical. I am trying to action small changes; where furniture is situated, hanging up some pictures, lighting special candles I had saved to make the rooms smell delicious and enjoying spending time there.
Moving house is expensive and you have to be practical - you can't (unless you win the lottery!) afford to do everything at once and in any case it wouldn't be enjoyable to live in a building site. Instead, I've tried to tackle a room at a time, to try and make the best of what I've got and not spend a fortune on unnecessary items. The only thing I've bought so far is the bookcase from Habitat (above) and this was only because it was something that we genuinely needed. Other changes I've made include picking up candles and other decorative items, such as bedding and soft furnishings, in the sale and these small changes can make a huge difference to the look and feel of a room.
Something you can't always account for is the lightness of a room and I am so lucky in that the flat is very light and airy. I love the natural light for taking photos and for making the place feel spacious and open. If you aren't blessed with lots of natural light or would like to create a bit more, the Velux roof window shop could be an option. You can configure the window you'd like to suit the room you're in, whether you are looking for more light or the opportunity to let in some fresh air. You can even pick an option with a remote controlled opening feature, perfect if you are short or the window needs to be placed high up. You can do this all online from the comfort of your sofa!
XO Amie
This post is in collaboration with Velux
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